Softskills Trainings:
Human Resource training with the SOFTSKILLS package improves one's social skills, communication, personal skills, leadership skills, etc., which characterize relationships with other people.
These skills are an important part of their individual contribution to the success of an organization. For this reason, SOFTSKILLS are increasingly required by employers alongside standard qualifications.
1. Communication and Work Ethics
2. Motivation and Performance
3. Teamwork and Organization
4. Customer Management
5. Conflict Management
6. Work management under time pressure
7. Stress management
8. Human Resource Management
9. Tasks division and delegation
10. Positive thinking and acting
11. Computerization of documentation
12. Time management
13. Charisma and success
14. Thinking and working with strategies
15. Emotion management
16. Perseverance and self-confidence
17. Attention management
18. The Basics of body language
19. Health and well-being in the workplace
20. Emotional intelligence
21. Budgets and financial reports
22. Intelligence in business
23. Ethics in business
24. Business success planning
25. Academic Writing
26. Personal development and mentoring
27. Recruitment strategies
28. The importance of social networks in the workplace
29. Setting and achieving goals
30. Communication Strategies
31. Conflict resolution
32 Critical thinking